Una crema così ad essere sincera non l'avrei mai acquistata: 35,oo sono un po' troppe considerato l'uso smodato che faccio delle mie creme viso. Ho avuto la fortuna di presenziare ad un evento Korff nella mia farmacia e racimolare un discreto numero di campioncini, così ho potuto provarla per bene :)
La crema Nutricomfort di Korff si presenta con una consistenza molto densa e di colore bianco: benchè sulla confezione ci sia scritto a rapido assorbimento ci vuole un bel massaggio prima che penetri bene nell'epidermide. E' adatta alle pelli secche e danneggiate, infatti contiene ai primi posti dell'INCI (che non è verde e un parabenuccio alla fine c'è) olio di oliva e di avocado che lasciano la pelle bella idratata per tutto il giorno.
L'effetto mi piace anche adesso che i primi tepori primaverili si fanno sentire, ovviamente per l'afa estiva non credo sia indicata.
E' venduta solo presso farmacie e parafarmacie,chi ha il coraggio di spendere la cifretta sopra mi faccia sapere!;)
A cream as well to be honest I would never have purchased: 35, oo are a bit 'too much that I considered the excessive use of my face creams. I was lucky enough to attend an event in my Korff pharmacy and pick up a fair number of samples, so I could try it for good :)
The cream of Nutricomfort Korff shows a consistency of very thick and white: though it says on the package quickly absorbed it takes quite a good massage before it penetrates the epidermis. It 's suitable for dry and damaged, it contains the first places of the INCI list (which is not green and there is ultimately a pharaben) olive oil and avocado's that leave the skin looking hydrated throughout the day.
The effect I like now that the early spring warmth is felt, obviously I do not think the summer heat is indicated.
It 's sold only at pharmacies and drugstores, who has the courage to spend the figure above let me know;)
The cream of Nutricomfort Korff shows a consistency of very thick and white: though it says on the package quickly absorbed it takes quite a good massage before it penetrates the epidermis. It 's suitable for dry and damaged, it contains the first places of the INCI list (which is not green and there is ultimately a pharaben) olive oil and avocado's that leave the skin looking hydrated throughout the day.
The effect I like now that the early spring warmth is felt, obviously I do not think the summer heat is indicated.
It 's sold only at pharmacies and drugstores, who has the courage to spend the figure above let me know;)